Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby Update

First of all I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.  I appreciate everything.

I had an ultrasound two days ago, at 11 weeks 6 days, and we found out that Baby B stopped growing at 9 weeks.  There is no heartbeat.  So I am no longer pregnant with twins.  

The good news is that Baby A looks great.  His/her heart rate was around 160 bpm..  S/he was sucking on a cute little hand and moving around a lot.  It was great to see.  

I think one of the worst jobs would be having to tell an expectant mother that her baby is no longer alive.  The ultrasound tech with us was very sweet.  She offered to take us straight to the room to see the doctor so we didn't have to go back to the waiting room.

Tom had a harder time originally than I did.  I didn't cry there at all.  Actually, I didn't cry that whole day.  I was so busy with Morgan that I didn't have time to think about it.  But I finally cried last night.  I watched this video on and just kept crying for Baby B.  

Even though I am sad and I cried, I am so grateful that there is still one baby.  Lots of people have miscarriages, but not a lot of people still have a baby left to be excited for.  I am so happy about that!  

I have another ultrasound scheduled in four weeks.  Baby B should just basically dissolve and it should not effect Baby A at all.  Until then, I think I will buy my own fetal doppler heart rate monitor.  I am a worrier when it comes to my kids and I need to know that they are okay.  I rented one with Morgan but I paid just as much as it costs to purchase one.

Other good news is that I am feeling slightly better.  For the past six weeks I have had a very powerful aversion to food.  Basically the only thing I want to eat is a turkey sandwich from Kneaders, which is like forever away from where I live.  I have also been nauseated almost all day long, but haven't thrown up.  I haven't exercised (so not normal for me) and I have lost 5 pounds.  BUT, like I said, I'm feeling better and I'm not so nauseated unless I'm hungry.  

I am not showing, which actually worried me even before I went to the doctor.  I figured with twins I should be showing by now but my pants aren't any tighter.  Anyway, that makes more sense now.  

I FINALLY did a semi DIY project that I will be posting soon!  Yay!  And our community pool opens tomorrow.  Things are looking up.  

I'll post pictures of my belly soon (so at least we can compare it later on).


  1. So glad to hear baby A is good, but also sorry about the other twin :( that's got to be hard.

    1. Thanks, Steph! I'm just so glad to have one still. :)

  2. i'm so sorry to hear that baby b got his/her angel wings. i have never felt that pain, but my neice losst her first baby and it was so hard to see her pain. we will be praying for all of y'all. i'm glad baby a is healthy. we found out about this book a while after she lost the baby, but i wanted to pass it on in case it might help.

  3. sorry this is the correct one:

  4. Kelli, I am so sorry about baby B I know how hard that is to get that news. I am glad to hear you are feeling better though. I hope things continue to get better and that the rest of your pregnancy goes good. Can't wait til you find out what you are having.

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I know you know how hard it is. I'm so sorry!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss! I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Here's hoping the nausea stays away!

  6. Oh Kelli I am so sorry to hear about baby B but what a blessing baby A is healthy and growing!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Ruthie. I am so thankful for healthy Baby A!

      Have a great weekend, sweetie.

  7. Kelli,
    So good to see you post, I have been missing you. I am so very sorry about your baby B. I cannot imagine. I am happy that baby A is thriving and that you are placing you focus on the positive. Life is so very hard, but we are blessed beyond measure all through our struggles. Thank you for that amazing video on Godvine! I am keeping you and the baby and your family in prayer. God bless each of you as you continue on in hope.

    1. Thanks so much. I have been missing blogging (and other normal things) and I appreciate that you stick with me during the down times. :) Wasn't that Godvine video so special?!

  8. I am so sorry that you lost one of the twins. Did you know that something like 75% of twin pregnancys one of the babies is lost before the Mother ever even knows she was pregnant with twins? When pregnant with Chantel I thought I lost her at 4 months. I had a complete it seemed, until the doctor then found a heartbeat. He then told me I had lost her twin. After I had Chantel I got pregnant again just a few months later and had twin boys. One of my twins is severely disabled. I wouldn't trade him for the world he is so precious. But the fact is carrying one baby is what our bodies are meant for. My doctor told me we are not meant to have a litter. Having just one baby gives you so much more of a chance to have a normal healthy baby. That is not at all to say that you will not mourn the loss of the little one you no longer have. I believe someday you will meet him/her. Take care of yourself--I am thinking of you!

  9. Just watched the video--so touching! Thanks so much for sharing that!

  10. Oh Kelli, I"m so sorry! I can't even imagine how hard that is to go through. You are in my prayers and I'm glad to hear baby A is doing just fine!

  11. Hi Kelli, so sorry about Baby B. I have been through multiple miscarriages, and you are right, they are painful, but when you have another baby to be hopeful for and prepare for, it makes it somehow okay. And Morgan needs you, too! Maybe, it is better this way... God teaches us to be expectant, hopeful, and grateful, for every blessing... and it gives us a slightly better understanding for other women who experience the same pain. Good luck with Baby A. Take care!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of one of your twins, Kelli :( I haven't been blogging in a couple of months and can't recall if I remember you telling folks you were pregnant. Checked on my blogroll now (thinking of blogging again), and am reading this just now.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of one but greatful the Lord has the other baby safe with you here on Earth while He keeps the other in Heaven with him.

    Suzanne in NW Illinois
    (PS- not blogging because I'm going thru a dry spell, husband's health is doing very well. His cancer in check)

  13. I'm praying for you and your family. No matter what happens I am glad you know God and that He is there for you. The verse that kept coming to my mind while I was reading this is Psalms 30:5, "weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning." :) Lisa~

  14. Hi, Kelli

    I am so sorry about your baby, praying for you and your family.

