Friday, August 19, 2011

Crazy Garage Sale Days

OMIGOSH!  It has been so busy around here with packing and moving and having a garage sale.  Today was day #1 of the garage sale and we made about $300.  Not bad since we would have donated most of the stuff anyway.  Plus, it feels soooo good to clean and purge.  I love decluttering!

I have a little experiment, but first let me tell you the story behind this piece of furniture...

Two days ago I got up and went for a 12 mile run with a couple of friends.  Three blocks from my house is where we all split up to go to our own houses.  I kid you not, I split from them and a half a block later I trip on a crack in the sidewalk while running down a hill.  It was the kind of trip that you don't even have time to try to recover from.  I landed mostly on my right side and skidded on my elbow for two feet.  Yeah, if you need my DNA, it's just up the hill.  Look for the 2 foot brown line of skin and blood.

Anyway, I walk around in pain all day but still have to pack up the house and get ready for the garage sale.  Sad.  So what do I do to feel better?  Craigslist.  I found a coffee table that someone was giving away for FREE.  I called and he told me to go get it.

It was almost dark when I was able to go and he had left it in front of his house by the mailbox.  I took my poor body and pushed the super heavy table end-over-end to my car AND I found a way to lift it all by myself.  What luck!

My experiment is that I painted it white (with the paint I already have) and I'm going to sell it at the garage sale tomorrow.  Not really an experiment, huh?  Well, you know what I mean.  If I were going to keep this, I would do a cool stencil on the top or something, but I'm not keeping it.  It would just be another thing to move.

 What do you think I'll get?  $15?  $10?  I'll let you know.


  1. Awesome! Shoot, you could get WAY more than that! Put $45 OBO and see what happens! "Don't ask, don't get" is my motto.

    A Follower,
    Suzanne in IL

  2. Sorry forgot to add- "Sorry about your fall. No need for yor DNA, but thanks for askin'"


  3. I agree $45 or best offer! If it was marked for $45 I would offer $30!

    Tiffany {Living Savvy}

  4. Excited to hear what it sold for! $30 at least I'd say!
