Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Frame Wall Layout

There was just so much to do and so little time while I was at my mom's house last week. We meant to decorate more upstairs as well as down but our time was taken with the incredibly large basement project.

Instead of leaving after lunch on Sunday like I planned, I decided to stay to hang a frame wall.

I got these round frames at my neighbor's garage sale for $2 for all four. SCORE!
The mirror was a craigslist find and I paid too much for it ($15) but it's pretty so I'm over it.
My mom had a ton of picture frames in a box in the basement so I stole some of them and spray painted them white (we ran out of spray paint so I couldn't get the small mirror and last picture frame -- another homework assignment for mom). She also has to find the other small mirror and replace the white napkin (the thing I used to remind her what goes there) and find something to replace the shim that I nailed to the wall (another reminder). Her last assignment for this project is to find cool pictures to replace the scrapbook paper that we put in the frames.

What do you think of the layout? Please imagine everything is white.


  1. I think it's adorable. I have a wall I would LOVE to do that on. And it's nice to know that I don't HAVE to spend 150 bucks on nice frames :)

  2. I think it looks amazing. Want to come and do mine?:).

  3. SO I found your blog from Jaren and Suzanna Rowley's blog so I hope that is okay if I follow it! I am from Delta! I love DIY blogs!

  4. Maybe you could make it a little more...haphazard.. asymmetrical..or not so even across the top or something like that? I'm no expert, just do what you like!

  5. looks fabulous! i definitely like what you've got going on here, maybe add a little something to the bottom left? what is that long thing? something like that to the left side?

  6. Looks good. I just wrote a post today on gallery walls if you need ideas. Check it out.

  7. OK, third page of yours I found at Bunny Hop linky party today-- you have some fun stuff to read! You go, Girl!

  8. They look very nice! Good job! I specially like to have a group of pictures on a wall that keep the attention!
