Thursday, October 27, 2011


Oh, I'm so excited I could pee my pants.  Okay, not quite that excited.  I actually had a nerve-wracking day today because my little sister thought she lost her ipod touch at my house and I searched every inch of it (including the outside garbage can -- opening garbage bags and all).  I was seriously sick to my stomach for her.  This is the second one she'd lost.  Anyway, it turns out that it was hiding in my mom's car (my sister's 10, BTW) but they didn't find it until tonight.  And I digress.

Back to why I'm excited.  I took my little M for a drive today and we came across a construction site where 3 wood pallets were sitting, waiting to go to the dump.  I asked if I could have them and the guy told me to take them!  Now what will I do with the $20 in 2x4's that I bought at The Home Depot?  Well, that will be another post.

I want to do all of these thing, although there are really two options here -- a coffee table and wall art.  Since it's almost winter time, I think I'll do the wall art.  What about the one with the mason jars?  Don't you love it? Well, all of them really, right?

Crafted Niche

Tres Chere


  1. Love all of the ideas! I really like the BG flag and the numbers wall art!


  2. Gosh those ideas are great, I have a pallet sitting out in my back yard and haven't done anything with it yet. I'm liking the numbered wall art. Can't wait to see what you do with yours.

  3. My favorite is the one with the numbers, but keep us posted on what you will do with them. Laura Cottage and Broome

  4. WOW these are very awesome! Now I'm going to be on the hunt for a pallet! I have a blank wall that would love to be spruced up with a large wall hanging!

  5. Oooh...I love all of these. You have me thinking about all the new home construction in my neighborhood...maybe I could rustle me up some of these too!

  6. Oh I'm so thrilled you loved our numbers sign! It makes such a statement when you walk in my sister's living room. I say go for it!

    Dana @
