Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pinterest Source

Remember how I am in love with Pinterest?  Well, I came across something super cool the other day.  Did you know that you can see what people have pinned from your blog or website.  Just go to pinterest.com/source/YOUR WEBSITE URL and a list of things will show up.  For example, for The Turquoise Piano I would just type pinterest.com/source/theturquoisepiano.blogspot.com and I can see that my piano was pinned a bunch of times, as well as the grandfather clock.  Pretty cool, huh?  I just wanted to share that with you today.

Speaking of pinterest, you can follow me if you'd like by clicking here.

Last thing for today... I'm going to be vacationing in November and won't be able to update my blog for about a week.  If anyone would like to do a guest post, that would be fantastic.  I'm looking for tutorials or tips.  This is a great way to get more readers!  Leave a comment letting me know or send an email to kelli nielson @ yahoo.com (no spaces).

Have a great day!  More projects tomorrow.


  1. I have done this and it is a fun, but very weird thing to see other people pinning your work! Just one more thing to check to see if people are actually reading my blog {I still think they don't!}


  2. I could do a guest post in November. The room is basically finished. Let me know if you want one long post or a series of shorter projects.

  3. That's awesome! Thanks for the tip!

    I would love to do a guest post in November, but I'm a newbie...so no hard feelings if
    not :-))

  4. I could use a little vacation! :) Very fun. I'm your newest follower!

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

  5. I love doing that, it is so interesting to see the little comments people put on their pins. It also makes you feel great!
