Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Versatile Blogger

Hello!  I hope everyone is having a great day!  I am.  Today I'm a guest blogger over at Designer Garden so head on over and check it out!

Also, I am super flattered!  Deborah from Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie awarded me The Versatile Blogger award.  This award is meant to highlight blogs to increase awareness and readership.  I really appreciate Deborah for thinking of me for this award and I appreciate everyone who reads my blog.  LOVE YOU!

The rules of this award are:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you.  Check.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.  If you read Friday's post, you know some things, but I'll give you 7 more. :)
3. Award it to 15 other bloggers (I've also seen 10, so I think I'll do 10).

7 things about me:

1. When I was little I wanted to be an actress.  Remember the show Full House?  Yeah, I wanted to be Candace Cameron.  Now I think being an actress would be fun but it's not really what I dream about (except for Sunday night -- I dreamed that I got offered a job on Days of Our Lives - ha!  That Deidre Hall sure is nice).

2. In college I was the teacher's assistant for a human dissection lab.  It was really neat.

3. I have been running in the same type of shoes since 1998.  They were the Asics 1990 series but now I think they are up to 2060 or higher.  I buy them on sale online at Kelly's Running Warehouse and I have gone through probably 15 pairs.  LOVE them and won't change!

4. After I got married I got a job as an exercise and nutrition consultant helping people lean up (gain muscle and lose fat).  I worked there for 4 months before we moved to Idaho.

5. Another job I had (seems to be a theme) was at a program for troubled teenagers in South Carolina.  A friend of mine worked there and hooked me up after I broke off a marriage engagement and needed to get away.

6. I wrote a 250+ page novel and am almost finished with my second.  Just trying to get it published now.

7. I love love love going on cruises.  We are going on one next month!

10 blogs that get the award from me:
Livin Pretty Simple - Michelle is one of my very good and talented friends who makes amazing crafts.
Raising Lemons - Tiffany's blog has so much information for women trying to be good moms.  Love it!
Crafty, Scrappy, Happy - Jamie has probably received this award but she is so talented.  I see her stuff all over blogland and she is super nice to me. 
Living Savvy - Tiffany has some amazing stuff and she has a knack for design.  
The Bold Abode - Gwen painted her piano.  Need I say more?

Designing by Numbers - Christina just started her blog this month and has already caught my attention with her inspiring posts.

The ShabbyTulip - Rachelle has been blogging for about as long as I have and I really love her projects.

Spruce Your Nest - Brooke is a total "get out of debt" girl like me.  Instant connection!

WhyCuzICan - Suzanne has tons of great ideas and she always leaves nice comments for me.
Between Naps on the Porch - Susan has a ton of followers and hosts the first Linky party I ever joined and I get the most traffic from it (and I do a lot of them).  This is a huge blog but one that I really appreciate.

I hope you all have a chance to visit the blogs I awarded and Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie.  If you can, leave some comments and follow them.  They are all so great!


  1. Great Blog--very inspirational. You are amazing--all of that running, swimming and biking--wow. Come by and visit my site would love to have ya.I am new to this--so keep your expectation low :)

  2. Hi Kelli :) Awwww...shucks, thanks for the award :) Now I have to think of 10 things about me to share, and think of a nice list of 10 other bloggers who inspire me.. that's great.

    Oh you are sooooo easy to leave nice comments for!! I love your stuff. True story, I shared your Turquoise Piano pix with hubby the other day, and he said, *I* should find one and paint it green! (The color of his cancer ribbon) as I've been asked to craft and donate this march for his cancer awareness (Kidney Cancer)

    I can't believe HE actually said I should paint a piano... that's one thing he said I should never do (paint something like a piano, grandfather clock, or other big pieces--then I show him YOUR blog and he thinks it was so fun to look at that, "hey, Suzanne....maybe you should try to....."


  3. Thank you so much for the award Kelli! I feel honored to be recognized! I can't wait to hop over to the other sites and check them out! I love being involved in a community with such creative people!


  4. oh my word...human dissection!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hi Kelli,

    First, congratulations on your award! You truly are deserving of it ~ you're just awesome!

    And second, THANK YOU so much for also awarding it to me!!!! I am really honoured beyond words! I’m so flattered that you like my blog enough to pass this award on to me, even though I'm still so new.

    Ack! Now I better get to work thinking of some interesting things to share about me and compiling my own list of awardees!

    Take care,

  6. Holy cow!! I just read your post from Friday, you are just a little bundle of inspiration! You go girl!!

  7. Thank you so much Kelli! You are so sweet to think of me! I am really enjoying getting to know you through blogland ;-)

  8. Congrats and thank you for recognizing my blog. I appreciate it. I still have so much to learn and I hate to admit it but I am not sure I even read 10 other blogs. But I do read yours!

  9. Thanks so much, Kelli! You are so sweet to send the VBA my way!

    I just saw you over at Designer Garden. Your settee is gorgeous!

  10. Kelli- coming back to let you know I did a post and passed the award onto 10 neat bloggers I follow! Thanks again for this lovely award.


    Suzanne at Whycuzican
