Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sponsor Spotlight

Happy Sunday!  Did you remember to change your clocks?  Fall back.  

Today is a special post because I get to spotlight two of my sponsors (button swap) and two people who gave me The Versatile Blogger award.  They have great blogs so check them out when you have a few extra minutes!


HI! I'm Ashley, My life is simple and sweet! I'm a fitness junkee....craftaholic...wife... and mother to the cutest baby boy. This blog is will find all my crazy thoughts and silly pictures. 

I am a 20 something newly wed living in Austin, TX with my sweet husband Jon and our French Bulldog puppy Ernie. Jon and I met in May 2009 while working at a software company in Austin and our romance quickly started. We got engaged on July 15th, 2010 and married February 5th, 2011. 2 days after arriving home from our honeymoon, we expanded our family by bringing home 10 week old Frenchie, Ernie. Marriage, puppy, starting a new job, moving into a new house...the Harts never sleep! I work full time in marketing for a software company and keep busy hitting the gym, trying out new recipes, reading trashy romance novels, crafting, and loving my friends and family. Most importantly, I have a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ and owe my happiness and continuous blessings to His grace. This blog's mission is to share the good, the bad and the ugly (and tons of puppy pics) of a normal gal trying to figure out this thing called life. Enjoy!

The next two gave me The Versatile Blogger award and I wanted to do this to say thanks to them.

Que Linda
Frozen pizza, spaghetti and sandwiches were my specialties in the kitchen when I was first married; basically, I could cook it as long as it came out of a box.  Our home decor was either a decoration or a gift from our wedding, and my idea of crafty was making a birthday card out of construction paper.  I like to think that I have come a long way over the last 3 years.  I would even go as far as to say that I am a fairly domesticated mother and wife. 
I am at my best when I am creating something, but I never have been able to settle down enough to become an expert at any one hobby, because so many things interest me.  Sewing, cooking, crocheting, piecing mosaics, quilting (that's a new one), decorating (new one too!) are just a few of the things that suit my fancy.  Most of my ideas are from borrowed creativity, but hopefully, one day, I will be able to pull ideas out of nowhere, Mary Poppins style.  

That's me, Janny.

A marketing consultant by day, and a decorating junkie always, I love beautiful things, but hate to pay retail for something I can do myself or find cheaper. I’d rather use the money for traveling, entertaining, family, pets, and even saving. (Okay … and shoes … I do have a thing for shoes!) So I’m always on the hunt for my next "fix." If I find something that's a bit too shabby, or needs to be updated, I grab my paintbrush and get to work. 


  1. this is awesome!! thanks girl:)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Kelli! So glad you like my elf story too :-) Love your blog and following you too!
