Friday, December 16, 2011

The 12th Day of Christmas: Coffee Filter Ball and Mint Ornament

I really appreciate everyone who voted for my piano on the QC Design School yesterday.  But guess what!  You can vote every day until the 22nd!  Yay!  So pretty please vote again at and if you didn't get to vote yesterday, please help me out.  I could win a cool camera. :)

Today is the last day of my 12 Days of DIY Decor Christmas so I did a project that took way too much time but in the end was worth it.  Actually, this is a two-project project: coffee filter wreath and mint ornament.

You start out with the mints.  You can do whatever design you want, including placing them in metal cookie cutters.   
 Then you bake them.  I did one at 350 for 6 minutes but that was a little too long so the next I did at 300 for about 7-8 minutes.  I liked that much better.

This is my first try at 350 degrees.  I poked a hole in it with a skewer while it was still pliable.

This is the second try at 300 degrees.  

For the next part of this project I got a couple of newspapers.  I get 5 Sunday papers for the coupons so I had plenty of the "news" part left over.  I rolled it into a big ball, taped it all around with packing tape, and molded a wire hanger vertically around the center.

Then I took a package of coffee filters and folded them in half.

Then folded both of the outside edges to the center.

Here is a view from the top.

Next I hot glued the filters to the newspaper ball.

And almost had enough to finish.  Almost.

I will probably be hanging this in Morgan's room after Christmas.  I think it will look great in there -- maybe with a coffee filter picture frame... 

Have a fantastic weekend!  I hope you all get to go to a party or make cookies or whatever you do that makes you happy!  Oh, and again, please vote for my piano.

Linking up at the great Linky parties found at the bottom of the blog.  They are where I find most of my inspiration!  Check them out!



  1. That is so cute! I just started to do the SAME thing...but bailed after I made about 20 rosettes...haha! Oh, and I totally knocked off your frame wreath, I mean artistically interpreted it...hehehe...not on da blog yet, but soon, so I hope you don't mind if I steal a picture and use it! Full disclosure and all that, my friend...

  2. Hi!
    Your coffee filter ball is very pretty! The candy ornament is too.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. This is awesome! Love the mint ornament!


  4. What a great idea, I never would have thought of baking mints! Turned out beautiful though! *New Follower!

  5. So cute, and sweet!

    Thank you for sharing the season at Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!

  6. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. Totally cool and an easy to follow tutorial. Thanks for the link up to BeColorful's Motivated Monday.
