Friday, January 13, 2012


Do you ever go through an entire Thursday knowing it is Thursday but your blog brain thinks it's Friday so the post you wrote yesterday was your Friday post?  Yeah, uh, I don't either.  And that's not the question of the day.

The question is this:  What do you think about painting furniture that is in perfectly great condition just because you want it a different color?  Is it superfluous?  

For example, I love Morgan's crib/toddler bed black but I'm ready for it to be white (along with all my other furniture -- I'm told I have a problem).  Same with the dresser. They barely have any scratches on them.  Usually I buy "junk" from the thrift store to fix up.  I feel justified in that.  But we (and my parents as a gift) spent a lot of money on that bedroom set.  What do I do?????

Have an awesome weekend!  Thanks for your input!


  1. Hi Kelli...This is a tough question! I have a chest that I was given as a gift from my mother that I didn't want to paint for the longest time for that reason. It didn't fit with the style of my home anymore and I wasn't loving it. I ended up painting it and now I love it! So, I guess what I'm saying is I think the most important thing is to love the piece! Changing the paint color won't change that it's sentimental (or that it's in good condition). And my motto...It's only paint. You can always change it back, right? Thanks for following on my blog! I'm your newest follower too!

  2. Wouldn't paint them. If they are nice-- they won't be quite as nice after you paint them? Maybe sell them and buy something junky to paint?

  3. I agree with Jean....if you don't love it as it is, go ahead and paint away.

  4. My husband tells me I have a problem to, lol. He laughs at how many times I paint thing. According to him our house is getting smaller because I change the wall color so many times. But I say if you don't like it change it, variety is the spice of life.

  5. I would just make sure you would want it white if you had a boy next. :) If you're fine with it being white and having a boy then paint it!

  6. Paint it. Otherwise, it will sit there mocking you until you silence it.

  7. Oh, and your brain and my brain are on the same wave-length. Except your brain is more evolved because it actually thinks about posting. Mine just throws up words whenever it feels like it with no regard to schedule.

  8. That is a tough question. I love the black and think it would look so cute with your white comforter you just did for it. But like everyone else said if you want it white then you should paint it. I guess you could always go back to black if you change your mind. We had white cribs and if we ever have to use them again I would love to paint them.

  9. Paint away! I am a firm believer in repainting when you need a change. Don't feel guilty about it either, I mean it's not like your getting rid of the furniture and you can Always paint it black again someday. Just do it!

  10. Though I do believe in going for it in most cases, I do think this room looks great the way it is. What about going with white when she is ready for her twin bed, which may well be very soon. Then you could do a little makeover. This is what we did for my son's second birthday, we changed our everything.

  11. You know my answer--paint it! Whats the use of having something in a color you don't want it to be? Paint isn't really that expensive. Go for it and I can't wait to see how it looks!

  12. That's a hard one, Kelli.

    BUT- that being said, search your will tell you! ;)

    Your Follower,

  13. I would paint it IF your parents hadn't helped you buy it. I know MY mom and she would KILL me if I painted some stuff that was grandma's. Instead, I would go for a different wall color that would further neutralize the black. If your mom is like mine, beware. I get 'vibes.' :) Some things aren't worth starting trouble over. andrea@townandprairie

  14. It's obviously bothering you since you posted the question. I think white is nice for a young girl and so versatile too. If your mom purchased with you I hope she attached no emotional strings and will support whatever decision you make. I love painted furniture. I recently purchased an old secretary painted black. My husband was surprised at the color but went for it - he now loves it! I say paint away girl and enjoy!

  15. Kelli,
    If you are not happy with the black...go for it..everyone needs to be happy:) Come by on Monday because you will be featured at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY...please feel free to grab my starfish featured button for your blog and thank you for coming to my party.

