Tuesday, August 7, 2012

IKEA Step Stool

I was reading a friend's blog the other day and she had this step stool for her daughter's bed.  Since Morgan has been grabbing her bedding and pushing on the nightstand to get up, I though it would be a nice, functional addition to her room.

This stool is the Bekvam step stool from IKEA.  It costs $14.99 and is totally worth it!  I bought two.  One for her room, one for the bathroom.  

BEKVÄM Step stool IKEA Solid wood, a hardwearing natural material. Hand-hole in the top step makes the step stool easy to move.
I painted this one to match her room.

Now she doesn't need to knock the nightstand over in order to get on her bed.


  1. I've gotta check that out when I'm in IKEA. I love the color blue you painted it. I have one little step stool with a tall handle. The two-year-old grandsons love hauling that thing around the house to get to things they couldn't otherwise reach!

  2. Love the new color!
    Paint really gives a piece of furniture new life!

  3. Love the stool, but love it even more now that it's a beautiful blue. Great mini makeover. thanks for sharing, liz
