Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Who Wants A House?

You know the saying "a picture's worth a thousand words?"  Well, I just want to ask what these pictures say to you?  This is a house we found online while "shopping."  The asking price is $599,000.  That's like 3/5 of a million dollars and that's a lot for Utah right now.  Not my price range but Tom likes to see what's out there.  You would think they would all be pristine homes with fabulous pictures.  Now look:

Who's sold on how amazing this house is?  Come on... a show of hands.  Yeah, I'm not impressed either.  I mean, these people are asking basically $600,000 for their house and don't bother to take good pictures, let alone CLEAN the house.  Seriously.  If this is your house, at least put the crap under the bed and actually make the bed for the pictures!  If you have a real estate agent who doesn't tell you what I just told you, get a new one (I'll be available soon)!

And if any of you are planning on selling, let this be a lesson to you.  Make it look good and it will sell a lot faster for a higher price!


  1. I've seen some houses when looking for a house, but I've never seen pics that bad.

  2. Is it a short sale? Most of the higher-end short sales in our area look like this.

  3. Did anyone else notice the lady on the bed? That picture is worth a thousand really, really sad words. I'm thinking good listing photos probably weren't at the top of her priorities at the moment. Otherwise, I agree. Dirty, cluttered listing photos are a huge pet peeve for me.

  4. wow, I thought that one was just a no-brainer.

    ... I didn't even notice the lady on the bed.

  5. I am always surprised by how those pictures are. Really how hard is it to clean up a little. I would walk in there and probably turn around. Crazy.

  6. Sure it's messing and I never so much as had a coffee cup to be seen when I've shown houses. However in my neck of the woods, that house would be a give-a-way at that price!! It's all perspective. I imagine a lot of chipped walls in there too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. That's one of my peeves when browsing...come on people!!!

  8. This makes me wonder what else with this home was NOT taking care of.
