Saturday, February 23, 2013

Grow Your Blog -- Facebook Exchange

I weighed myself yesterday.  Nothing.  I guess I'm stuck where I'm at until I'm done nursing.  So. Frustrating.  And that makes me want to eat cookies.  I'll be honest.  If we were having this today I would probably make The Facebook Exchange also a cookie party.  But it's next Wednesday (Feb. 27) so I hope to be over the disappointment and back in control.

Anyway, more on what The Facebook Exchange is... Jamie from [kreyv] and I are hosting a "party," per say, and everyone with a blog, website, or Facebook page is invited.  You know we all like to be "liked" and this is designed to get more likes for everyone.  And you just might find new bloggy friends.

Put it on your calendars!  


  1. Ha cool Idea! So what do we do? I help out with a small home/web based business called and I think your blog would attract the right people. Thanks

  2. Count me in!

    ♥ Talia
