Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 5 -- Half Marathon Training

Well that was a weekend of poor food choices.

So I'm in this rut.  I can't lose anything right now because I'm nursing and my body just basically stopped at 150.  It gives me no motivation to not eat junk all weekend.

Then my pelvis still hurts when I run.  It's been almost four months since I had Sophie.  I realize that childbirth does crazy things to a body, but FOUR MONTHS!!!? Shouldn't that be better?  Have you ever had braces?  You know how your jaw feels after the orthodontist tightens them?  That's my pelvis.  And it keeps me up at night sometimes, especially after I go running.  I'd love to pump out 10 miles on a Saturday but it's hard enough to do 6.

I'm just frustrated!
Proof that you don't need to look cute to go to a gym.

Some of you have questions about how much you should eat and lose weight.  My answer is that obviously everyone is different, but I would start most of you right around 1600 calories.  Then I would put you on a heavy lifting schedule and some cardio too.  I would never have you eat under 1200 calories.  In fact, I don't think I have ever put anyone on anything less than 1400.  I don't want your bodies to think they are starving and hold on to what is there.  That's sometimes what happens when you don't eat enough.

If you have been yo-yo dieting for years and think you have messed up your metabolism, the best way to correct that is to eat well and build your muscles.  Remember, muscles are fat burning machines!  As great as cardio is, it is just as important to do resistance exercise too.  Your body is an amazing thing and it CAN rebound from too many yo-yo diets.

So my weight loss goal is on hold.  I have to change my goals.  I'm planning on doing a 1/2 marathon on April 27th so I guess my new goal is to be ready for that by doing an actual "program."

Half marathon training:  I'm on week 5.
(Cross Train)
(Cross Train)
1Rest30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 Minutes30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 MinutesRest4 Miles
2Rest30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 Minutes30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 MinutesRest5 Miles
3Rest30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 Minutes30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 MinutesRest6 Miles
4Rest35 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 Minutes35 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30-40 MinutesRest7 Miles
5Rest45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
30-40 Minutes45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest4 Miles
6Rest45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
30-40 Minutes45 Minutes
(5 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest8 Miles
7Rest50 Minutes
(5 Miles)
30-40 Minutes50 Minutes
(5 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest9 Miles
8Rest45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
35-45 Minutes50 Minutes
(4 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest6 Miles
9Rest50 Minutes
(5 Miles)
35-45 Minutes50 Minutes
(5 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest10 Miles
10Rest45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
35-45 Minutes45 Minutes
(4 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest7 Miles
11Rest35 Minutes
(3 Miles)
35-45 Minutes35 Minutes
(3 Miles)
45-50 MinutesRest6 Miles
12Rest30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
30 Minutes30 Minutes
(3 Miles)
RestRest13.1 Miles Race Day!

DayBody PartExerciseSetsRepsWeightRestSpeedNotesExercise Info
1ChestPush Ups With Feet On Ball315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
1BackStraight Arm Cable Lat Pull Down315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
1ChestBench Press106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
1BackCable Lat Pull Down106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
2CalvesSmith Machine Calf Raise5152/4/2Suerset with other 5 sets exerciseDetails
2CalvesSeated Calf Raise Machine515Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 5 sets exerciseDetails
2LegsLeg Press Machine106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exercsiseDetails
2LegsProne Leg Curl106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
3ShouldersRear Shoulder Cable Cross Fly315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
3Core/AbsBall Crunches With Rotation315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
3ShouldersSmith Machine Shoulder Press106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
3Core/AbsAb Crunch Machine106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
4BicepsStanding Hammer Dumbbell Curl315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
4TricepsDumbbell Skull Crushers On The Ball315Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 3 sets exerciseDetails
4BicepsArm Curl Machine106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails
4TricepsDip Machine106Superset No Rest2/4/2Superset with other 10 sets exerciseDetails


  1. I think it's freaking awesome that you can run six. I seriously can't even do one, and I don't have a pregnancy to blame!

  2. Having kids can sure mess with our bodies forever I think, haha. I'm running my first marathon on June 2nd, starting my officially training this week. 12 Weeks to go. I hope it gets better for you and your pelvis. I just started having some knee issues, so hoping to work through those. I have already registered and want to do this too bad to give up.

    Jen @

  3. At four months that is pretty awesome. Stick with it girlie. Also, do you think maybe your pelvis is popped out of place?? I am not a huge fan of a chiropractors, but pregnancy is hard on the body and I have a friend who had to wear a brace during her pregnancy because her hips/pelvis were popping in and out of place and it was incredibily painful. Or it could be your hormones still playing games with you. My hips hurt more during my 1st trimester than they did the 3rd and they said it was due to the hormones. DARN HORMONES!!! I would ask your doctor about it or just give yourself more time.

  4. You are a machine momma! I am on week four of couch to 5k, and feel like I am going to die running for three minutes.
