Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Jello Man

Have I ever mentioned how clever the Hubs is? Well, he thought of something to be the highlight of a Halloween party we had a couple of years ago.  I'm sharing this so early in the season because if you want to do it, you need to buy the supplies STAT. To do it successfully you need two mannequin torsos and a whole bunch of Jello.  You can get mannequin torsos on ebay or (lots of places, really).  They are kind of pricey if you buy new, which we did, but you can find them for around $15 used.  We also got a heart, brain, and eyeball molds but you really don't need them for this project.

Two nights before our party we greased up the inside of a torso and made a bunch of peach Jello and mixed it with milk then dumped it in the greased torso. Next we put the other torso on top and took it outside in the cold air (because it didn't fit in the fridge) to harden over night.  This is the skin.

The next day I made a Jello heart out of a mold that we got.  It didn't work well when we put it in the torso because the Jello just sort of stuck together, so maybe if we made the heart out of something else I would have liked it better.

Then we mixed a jillion boxes of raspberry Jello and dumped it in the torso on top of the peach "skin." .
Next, we put the heart in and added gummy worms in the stomach area and Baby Ruth candy bars where the intestines would be.  Then we took it outside to set up overnight so it would be ready for the party the next night.
Party night...

Doesn't it look creepy! It came out of the mold really easily because we greased it before doing the skin.  I couldn't have been more satisfied with how the skin turned out. We made the blood with berry jam.

As part of the party, we had our guests dissect the Jello man.  The picture on the right is just after the Baby Ruth was dissected from out of the colon area-- I know it's disgusting... but so great.

Linking up! Join me!



  1. gross-but cool. Did anyone eat the jello? I'd love if you linked it up to my party.

  2. I had to show this to the kiddos when they came home and they were all equally delighted and disgusted

  3. How disgusting, and I mean that in the most kind and flattering way. Happy Halloween! It's great.

  4. Glad you found me on Gumdrop Pass :)

    Very cute post - looks gross - but very fun and festive, for sure :)

    Love your bloggy layout, btw!!

    <3-Cami from First Day of My Life

  5. It's unique, but is a bit scary!

    Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. You are an asset to making the party a success. I appreciate you and I hope you will make this a weekly stop

  6. This is the coolest, creepiest thing ever! Thanks for sharing!

  7. LOL! Oh, my gosh I can't stop laughing at this. In a good way. What a fun Halloween treat. You all are so smart. I love the creativity that goes into Halloween. I listened to you play the Snowy river song. You did a nice job. Pretty song!
    Thank you for linking with Home Sweet Home!

  8. This is VERY spooky! Thank you for linking up to my All Things Spooky series! xoxo!
