Thursday, October 13, 2011

Curb Appeal

So, remember how I was out of town last week?  No?  Well, I was in Colorado Springs for a home staging training conference where I became an APSD certified trainer, which means that I can teach all of you how to be home stagers!  :)  --Only if you want to be a home stager and have your own business, of course.  You can contact me or Click Here to order a free CD to see if a career in home staging is right for you.

That said, I have a promise to fulfill.  I told you that I would be revealing a few home staging tips.  Since I'm focusing on my porch this week, I want to talk a little about curb appeal, which is the first thing buyers notice when they pull up to a house and therefore, the first most important thing (there are many "most important" things).

Tip #1:  Do all the metals match?  I have seen some things while blog hopping that say that there are no rules. Well, that's true when it comes to your own style in your own home that is not for sale.  If it is for sale, no shiny gold with brushed nickle, mmkay?

Tip #2:  Is the exterior paint in good condition (and a modern color)?  Power wash it and if it is all falling off, it's time to repaint.  Go to your local paint store and choose a modern color.  And if your house is peach, don't waste time.  Get your tucas down to the paint store.  I'm sorry but I feel the same about forest green and burgundy too.  They were great when I was in high school.

Tip #3: Does the inside look good from the outside?  The blinds should all be at the same level.  There should be no weird things in the window sills.  Just make sure it feels right (and if you are actually reading this, you probably have a knack for this).

Tip #4: How does the front door look?  The front door is the way into the house but it is also the way out.  Make them want to go in by choosing a nice, contrasting color that goes well with the color of the house.  You may want to add a fresh coat of paint if you already like the color.

Tip #5: Does the landscaping look nice?  I've previously talked about this a little but at a minimum you need to make sure that the lawn is mowed, bushes trimmed, leaves raked, and weeds are pulled.

I tried to do this with the house we are living in.  It is a preforeclosure, which means that the owner is no longer paying the payments so he will either need to sell it short of what is owed (short sale) or the bank will take it back (foreclose).  Since he was not living here, he wasn't taking care of the yard and the grass went south.  It was all brown and full of weeds when we moved in.  The bushes were also very overgrown and in need of a manicure.  I had to do a black and white so it feels like a commercial (you know, the bad "before" pic is always in b/w).

Unfortunately I'm not the best at using the electric shrub cutter things and I may have taken a little too much off the top... er... and sides.  Let's just say that I gave it a military hair cut.  

And while I'm being honest, I'll just let you know that this is the ugliest house in the entire subdivision.  I hate the color.  Our other house was the same color.  It must have been THE color of 2005.

Linking up at the great Linky parties found at the bottom of the blog.  They are where I find most of my inspiration!  Check them out!



  1. I love the tips! The bushes definitely got a military cut... but bushes will always grow back, and super trimmed is better than over grown. I didn't even realize there was a brick wall behind them! I personally think the house color is fine, though the wall with the two windows and balcony seem a little bare to me. Keep the posts coming. I'm one of your newest followers from the treasure valley!

  2. Wonderful tips, and you have a beautiful home! You have a knack, regardless of the military cut, it looks gorgeous!


  3. Some really great tips, and your home if beautiful! The shrubs look so much better "trimmed". Would love it if you shared at my party - Sunday's Best. Information like this can really help people out in this distressed real estate market.

  4. Hi, It would be just fine for you just to use a link! Thanks so much for your post and consideration. I know your "tips" will help someone. Thanks so much! How's business in your neck of the woods? Where do you become a member at your blog, I would like to become one!

  5. hey, I also like you $29 front porch, you can also post at Sunday's Best. You have not limit!

  6. Beautiful post! Love those tips. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  7. So helpful! Especially the metals part:)

  8. great hints and suggestions . I agree with you on the peach, burgundy and hunter green. Never is too soon for that to come back for me. :)
    Thanks for linking this up to Motivated Monday.

  9. Wonderful tips...bookmarked this page. New follower from TT! Hope you will follow me. Seriously love your turquoise piano. Audrey

  10. So pretty and inviting! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  11. Thanks for sharing this post :D

    Visiting from Bunny Jean's BUNNY HOP linky party,
    ~Suzanne in NW Illinois

  12. Good tips. There are some homes that badly need a current paint job in our subdiv. ~I didn't know you were able to move into a pre-foreclosed house, interesting.

  13. Thanks for the tips! I really like the way you "buzzed" the bushes! They look neat and well-maintained. Besides, they'll grow back if you think they're too short right now.
    Visiting from Bunny Jean's Bunny Hop.

  14. Ha.... what IS that color. Is it the peach you were writing about?

    Here in my brand new desert community we have all different variations of that. Plus the whole range of "kaka" colors. Yes... stucco homes are usually an "earth" tone.

    I am just appalled at how bad some entryways of the home on the market look. In need of repair and just plain cleaning. All good tips... thanks for sharing.

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!

  15. Well, Wonderful tips, you have a beautiful home! You have a knack, regardless of the military cut, it looks gorgeous! That colour you selected that is excellent.

  16. Hi there, thanks for the tips. You home looks very nice. I found and am now following you through My Romantic Home and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  17. It is all very pretty! Great tips! Thank you for joining me for the HSH Fall Open House!
