Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween Party

Have I mentioned that I love hosting parties? Because I do!  I'm going to share one that we hosted a couple of years ago since I was out of town last week and didn't get any projects finished.

A couple friends and I planned the party and delivered the invitations dressed as KISS.  One of the guests took a picture while we were at their house and the husband happens to work at HP and got a poster size of the picture for free.

Tom and I decided to be vampires for our party and we needed to make a dickey for Tom's costume to make it look real. My mom helped me do it and it turned out to be just what I wanted.

If you are ever going to be a vampire for Halloween you need to buy the fangs that you just wax to your teeth.  So awesome!
On the night of the party all the guests came and we ate and played games.  At the end of the night everyone voted on their favorite costumes. We took 2nd place! Here are pictures of the guests and their costumes.

Nacho Libre and Sister Encarnación (1st place)

Vampire and Vampiress (2nd place) -- That's us!Pregnant Nun and a Priest Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize (3rd place) Girl (pronounced Gy-Rell) and King Bling
Holy Sheet and Sheet Head
(I didn't know that is what they were until after the party. At first I thought they were ghosts but now that I know, I think it's way cooler) Lady and Her Cat
Dora and Diego
Ketchup and Mustard

Linking up at the great Linky parties found at the bottom of the blog.  They are where I find most of my inspiration!  Check them out!



  1. hahah my fav is yours (of course), angelas and the pregnant nun and priest HAH. thats hilarious. looked so much funnnn.. when are you doin another one eh eh

  2. SOunds like a fun party. My costume consists of a t-shirt that says "BOO".lame

  3. What a fun party - looks like you had a great time!

  4. Halloween is so fun! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  5. those are some awesome couple costumes! :) love yours!!

  6. Too funny! Looks like you all had a great time:@)

  7. So cute !You had a great time! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  8. This came at just the right time. We are going to a costume party Saturday night and I'm still trying to figure out what to do.

  9. The thumbnail of the two vampires at the Sister's link party made me come and take a look!! Not in the market for costumes, but these look like a lot of fun! Happy Halloween!!

  10. Ahhh, now this looks like fun. Love the invites. How fun. Nothing like a party to kick off the Holiday season - which obviously begins with Halloween. :)

  11. HA! Hilarious! I think these are super great ideas. What fun parties you must have! Thanks for sharing!!
