Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubs and a Give-Away

Today I'm in Colorado for a home staging training that I'm super excited about.  I will post some tips when I get home, but not many because this conference costs like 10 grand so I don't want to give away all the secrets.  ;)  Actually, I'm getting certified to be a staging trainer so that's what costs so much.  If you want to be a certified home stager with the Association of Property Scene Designers, it's doesn't cost that much and you can go to the APSD site to order a free CD or learn more via the site.

It is also Mr. Turquoise Piano's (aka Tom, the hubs, hubby, etc) birthday and I want to wish him the best birthday ever!  I'm super proud of him for many reasons.  One is that he just got offered the position of COO of an international company and he gets to speak Chinese (which makes me hate our major student loans a little less).

Now what you have all been waiting for... the give-away!

I was recently contacted by a unique company called Ramsign about doing a give-away with my readers.  I am very selective about what I share here and only want to post things for you that I like and want.  That said, I would love to have one of these fabulous hand-crafted porcelain enamel signs for my house so I am happy to tell you that one lucky-duck reader is going to be given one for her (or his) own house!

Here's a little history on Ramsign, a company in Denmark that is keeping an European tradition going.

In 1991 Ramsign revived the production of porcelain enameled signs by the help of skilled craftsmen with life long experience. Today the signs are still produced by hand with the original stencil technique and porcelain enamel, also referred to as vitreous enamel, or glass enamel. 

I LOVE that these are hand made!

One lucky winner will get to choose their style from any of the house number plaques!! You can have up to 5 numbers... these signs are valued up to $100!!!  How wonderful it would be to have one of these classic enamel signs!  It would definitely add charm and uniqueness to your home!

Here is how to enter:

1. Follow this blog (top right under "My Besties") and leave a comment.  If you already follow, leave a comment.
2. Visit the Ramsign website and come back here and let me know which sign you love (I think I'm leaning toward Lighthouse)!
3. Share this in a blog post
4. Post about the give-away with a link to my blog as a FB status update and leave a comment telling me you did.
5. Like The Turquoise Piano on FB and comment here that you did.
6. Get a friend to do any of these things and let me know in a comment.
That gives you 6 possible entries!  Make sure to comment on each separate thing you do!

This is open to everyone!  Ramsign ships world wide. I will close this giveaway on Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 at 11:59pm mountain time.  Good luck to you all!


  1. I love the highlander collection from them! Good luck with your give away.

  2. I love the highlander collection from them! Good luck with your give away.

  3. I like the metropolitan. It looks just like the house number plaque that we had on our house when I was a child. :)

  4. I have been looking for an address plaque for our front door (which we are re-doing in a high-gloss black) and these are perfect! I love them!

  5. I think my favorite is either Highlander or Lighthouse. It depends on what we end up doing our trim color in (but Metropolitan is also hard to choose!)

  6. I liked and recommended you on FB!

    I LOVE your blog, btw. I have been showing everyone in my family!

  7. I also posted a link to your giveaway as my FB status, which is real love, because I only do FB about once a month :)

  8. I posted about your blog and the giveaway on my blog (which I update far too infrequently, I'm afraid):
