This idea has to do with the figure show that I committed to doing when I was Blogger of the Week on KSL. I'm serious about it. I talked to a trainer who trains people for shows. He can get me there by the October show... but it costs $1200 for just the training. Then there is supplements and training on how to stand and spray tanning... you get the picture. We're not poor but we are buying a house right now so it's not like we have a lot of extra cash just hanging out to be spent on a vain goal. You know?
So I've been contacting companies, large and small, about sponsoring me with either cash or product. So far Nike and Gap have turned me down. But I have some awesome yes's and I'll reveal them when things are finalized.
Anyway, if you know of a company that you think would like to sponsor me, let me know!
Oh, and I have a new blog focused on fitness. It's called The Loss Cause. Check it out. It's under construction but any followers or FB likes I can get are very appreciated. Sponsors like that stuff. ;)

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